B2B Database – How The Hell Do You Create One?

B2B Database – How The Hell Do You Create One?

B2B Database – How The Hell Do You Create One?

Well, we said we would provide you some ‘Honest Data Buying Tips’ didn’t we. So what better one to start with than this? I bet you could call three B2B companies and ask the sales agent how their B2B database is created and you’ll get different answers, if any. So let me give it to you plain and simple, so I can try to help you better understand the processes involved in building an effective B2B database to use for marketing purposes.

Firstly, I had better introduce myself. I am Nick Boddington, the founder and MD of mib Data. I have 15 years under my belt working for some of the leading B2B database suppliers in the UK, and saw some good and bad things. I will now share these with you over the next 5 days.

So how is the data for a B2B database collected?

I’m going to keep this simple, because it is. It all starts with an application for a telephone line – this could be a new or existing business, you have probably done it yourself! Once this occurs, after a period of time, BT – or similar – arrive at the premises and installs a line (you hope!). The line goes live, and it is added to a file called the OSIS File, which stands for ‘Operator Services Information System’.

A daily update of this file contains between 30,000 – 100,000 additions, deletions or amendments making the OSIS file a very up to date source of telephone number information. Essentially, each telephone number is unique, and it has you, and your business associated to it, so it should be up to date shouldn’t it? But it is now passed to the B2B database suppliers!

New businesses with new lines are used by 118 providers, major directories and businesses like mine to create and supplement their existing B2B database. At this stage a new business is contacted using various methods and has the option to opt-out of the database or directory, and therefore will not be present in a lot of business’ B2B database.

So if the data is so accurate from new lines being set up, why is it then that a business’ B2B database is not up to date then? Well, you’ll have to visit our blog to find out more!

If you’re interested in acquiring a data list for your business or would simply like to test the quality of the data in our B2B database, then why not get in touch or sign up for a free trial here.

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