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The Email Marketing Checklist Your Business Needs

The Email Marketing Checklist Your Business Needs

When it comes to a successful digital marketing campaign, we all know the most important aspects should include e-marketing, social sharing, and a content strategy that incorporates your blog being regularly updated…  Now, we’re only human – which means that no matter how hard we try, mistakes are bound to happen. Whether it’s a spelling mistake in a blog or an incorrect link published with your social post, these can easily be rectified by swiftly editing or removing and republishing the content; but when it comes to e-marketing campaigns once you have pressed that send button, it’s impossible to undo it. This means that your message needs to be defined, and the content, images, links etc. need to be checked (and checked again!) to make sure there are no mistakes that could be costly to the success and overall ROI of your strategy. At MIB Business Data, we understand the importance of communicating the right message to your audience. Here is our email marketing checklist your business needs!

At MIB Business Data, we understand the importance of communicating the right message to your audience. Here is our email marketing checklist your business needs!

Define Your Goal

Firstly, when it comes to a successful e-marketing campaign, you should look to ensure that your goal is defined from the start. Are you promoting a specific product or service? Sending some important company news out? Or putting out a special offer? Whatever it is, you must understand your goal to allow each of the pieces of the puzzle to fit together to ultimately ensure the success of your e-marketing campaign.

Optimise The Content

The content in your e-marketing campaign is one of the most important aspects, and we aren’t just talking about the actual copy; look across your entire email – the imagery, subject line, etc. should all be uniformed and in the same tone of voice to ensure your audience understands what is being communicated to them.

Above this, you should test and proof read the email before it is sent. Don’t just proof it once, send it to a few members of your team and have them read it over. You’re never going to notice a mistake in something that you have read 20 times or more.

Get The Most Out of Your Data

This is the last hurdle at which a lot of people will fall. The data that you use should be analysed to ensure that it is suitable for your strategy. To really get the most out of it you should look at different ways of segmenting the data, as well as looking at how you adopt your subject line and to/from information to effectively communicate with your audience.


All in all, to really maintain a successful e-marketing campaign, ultimately you should be following this checklist, to ensure that any mistakes are rectified before you press that all important send button.

Email Marketing Checklist

  • Define Your Goal
  • Optimise Content & Images
  • Proof Read (& Proof Read Again)
  • Do A Test Run
  • Get The Most Out Of Your Data

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